University of Virginia Library

[III. If it may be, O let this cup]

“O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me;
nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.”
Matth. xxvi. 39.

If it may be, O let this cup,
Pass by me,”—prayed the Son;
“But, if I 'm doomed to drink it up,
Father! thy will be done.”
He drank it. Bleeding on the tree,
He faintly cried, “I thirst.”
Then rose his heart, O God, to thee,
In fervent prayer,—and burst.
That broken heart, that ebbing tide,
That spirit so resigned,
These emblems of the Crucified,
Have now recalled to mind.
For others as our Saviour bled,
So we, at duty's call,
For others in his steps should tread,
And sacrifice our all.


Shall we from scenes of trial shrink,
Now our Example lives?
Or shall we all with patience drink
The cup our Father gives?