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The Blessed Company.

God never meant us to be separated
From one another, in our work and thought;
Spirits that share His Spirit He has mated,
That so His loving purpose may be wrought,
His gracious will be done
In earth and heaven, as one:
O blessed company of all the true,—
His holy Church,—may I belong to you?
Ye are His people; but around you slumber
The hosts of God your summons must arouse
To join the multitude no man can number;
Even in their dreams they whisper now the vows
Their happy lips will take
When they to Him awake.
Ye, through whom every day His breath anew
Creates His worlds, I would belong to you!


Thou, Father, hast made every man a brother
To every other man, and in thy Son
Renewest the bond: if we despise each other,
We scorn Thee, in whose eyes all souls are one.
Ye heirs disguised, look up!
Drink from the royal cup!
Your grimy robes His form is outlined through:
It is His flesh and blood I share with you.
His Church,—it is the home of every spirit
That looked and longed for Him before He came;
That hears God's voice now, or shall ever hear it,
Through the dire discord of earth's outcast shame.
He knoweth who are His:
His seal upon them is.
O scattered, wandering flock! O loyal few!
One Shepherd claims us! I belong to you!
In His clear sight what can it matter whether
We wear this badge or that, or none at all,
If we but cleave to Him, and fight together
Against His foes, wherever He may call?
If He this weak heart win
From shameful truce with sin,
If He will make me brave and keep me true,—
Then, O ye faithful, I am one of you!


What can the servant do without his Master?
And what, without the Bridegroom, were the Bride?
Behold, He cometh! Onward, comrades, faster,
Out of the wilderness unto His side!
Ah, Bride! the desert glows
Around thee like the rose!
Thy welcoming glance His smile is shining through;
Oh, take me in, to live my life with you!