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[Poems by Plato in] Essays

including Biographies and Miscellaneous Pieces, in Prose and Poetry

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How blest thy infant daughter now,
How sweet is her repose;
Before Almighty God does bow,
Forever—and no close.
Thy infant is a seraph now,
Parents shed thou no tear;
But then in God do thou
E'er trust,—and like him do appear.
Thy beauteous smile was ever fair,
Thy lip and eye was bright,
Thy mother mourn'd the ceasing care,
Which was to her delight.
A fairer babe there hast not been,
Clung to its mother's breast;
But with thee then decease was seen,
It ceas'd,—and thou didst rest.


Then parents count her death no loss,
But rather count it gain;
Nor do with looks of sore remorse,
Ever wish her back again.
Then at the last—the judgment day,
Thy infant dear shall rise,
And heavenly scenes to her portray,
Her home—the heavenly skies.
Then at that solemn, trying hour,
The wicked oft will say,
O! that divine almighty power,
Would send a heavenly ray.