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Humanitarian Concern

Mr. Salisbury "has a
journalist's eye for detail and a
humanitarian concern for
Asian misery."

Writing on American
relations with China and the
Soviet Union in "War Between
Russia and China" Mr.
Salisbury said "the U.S. can
profoundly influence this
struggle and will be profoundly
influenced by it. By employing
our superior weight and
influence we can transform
impending disaster into the
foundation of a new and stable
world structure."

In this book, published in
1971, Mr. Salisbury
recommends two American
policies toward China. He said
a depression will occur if
burgeoning populations surpass
Asia's level of food production.

To prevent this, he urges the
creation of a world food pool
from which China and other
food deficit nations could draw
"as a matter right."