University of Virginia Library

A Substitute For The National Anthem


The author is well aware that the ablest troubadours of the realm have endeavored to salute
Barry Parkhill and the Cavaliers in song, and that his is a late entry. However, he earnestly feels
that the attempts extant fall to do justice to their subject matter. They are diminutive in scope,
and modest of statement. Thus he has attempted to compose a song that fits the topic in a more
seemly frame of reference.

The author wishes to note that he offers his lyric to the public not to be read over once and
thrown in a waste can, but to be sung—wherever and whenever one feels the urge. He would not
object to its performance at University Hall just before the national anthem, or instead of the
national anthem—or, perhaps, because of the national anthem. But above all, he offers them in
tribute to a Man among men.


(Sung to the tune of "Davy Crockett,
King of the Wild Frontier")

The Parkhills bore a son - 'twas his daddy's wish,
He came through the womb with a perfect swish.
The Doctor slapped the babe - then he heard him howl,
"Get your arm up Doc, that's a personal foul!"
Barry, Barry Parkhill,
The King of the Cavaliers.
In the hills of Pennsy, he grew up tall,
And developed quite a knack for playing basketball.
He played so much in Penn State Gym, the coach made a slip,
And forgot to offer Barry a scholarship!
Barry, Barry Parkhill,
Headin' for the Cavaliers.
Our mentor Bill Gibson heard of Parkhill's moves,
And set off to bring back Barry to the Land of the 'Hoos.
The Hooter dreamed some day he'd carve the ACC pie,
Or at least beat the daylights out of VPI.
If Barry, Barry Parkhill
Would come to the Cavaliers.
Now, at U.Va., we'd seen rebellion rage,
And "Boot the Hoot" cried more than one CD sage.
So Gibson said to Parkhill, "Sign these papers both,
A grant-in-aid, and a loyalty oath!"
Oh, Barry, Barry Parkhill
Was sold on the Cavaliers.
Well, the rest is all Virginia history,
And schoolkids rank Parkhill over Robert E. Lee;
And students wait on line all night to see Barry play—
They miss classes next day—but what can you say?
Cause Barry, Barry Parkhill
Is King of the Cavaliers.

Caricature By David Ritchie

Someone once asked Barry, "When you've had your fill,
Will it be business, coaching, or Capitol Hill?"
Then Barry smiled modestly, and answered "Oh fun!
Why who else can beat Nixon in one-on-one?"
Why, Barry, Barry Parkhill,
The man who knows no peers;
Barry, Barry Parkhill,