University of Virginia Library

Brother Ed

Getting Cultured, Wahoos


Here at U. Va., one's first
and most lasting impression of
Jefferson's academic village is
the degenerate lack of culture.

In discussion with the
class, one runs upon the total
lack of interest or ability to
appreciate any of the cultural
expressions of man. Somehow
their sick minds see no need
for the better things in life,
namely beauty in all her
diversity, for as long as they
have their perverted fraternity
parties and Rebel Yell
Bourbon, they are satisfied.

I'm sure that the minority
population of "human beings"
here will agree with me that
drinking and playing with
oneself is a depraved and
superficial existence, but then
to ask these "non-people" to
understand love, beauty, sorrow
and life may be asking too

So, in an attempt to expose
these Wahoo heathens to the
mellow beauty of black artistic
genius and take them within
the minds of a spiritually
whole people, I wish to
spotlight some of the work of a
very real, first-year sister by
the name of Pat Bradley, as she
so graciously consents to let us
peep into her very personal
world of life.


God created Man in His
own image; then God has
many images, which are
reflected in each
man he has created
Therefore no one can produce
one image and say this is God,
because God's Image Is
That of Everyman


Get yourself together
Just work to make things better;
Don't know what to do.
Look All Around You


There is only one
Who shares the joy
Of Me being Me,
There is only one With
Whom I can share
the Joy of Him being him
That One Is You
We live life as One


Upon entering the new world.
So strange and cold outside
His mother's womb;
An infant cries of fear,
But as each second of life
unfolds, he adapts to living;
And loves the new world.
Then as death approaches, once again, he is afraid;
Afraid to DIE,
And enter the


It is Pat Bradley's particular
wish at this time to show her
remembrance of a very dear
friend who has shared the
experiences of oppression and
suffering. Sister Callett
Dickerson, though not with us
attending the Big House, her
spirit transcends these meager
lines to give all of us a much
needed message:

We are on the verge of a
Black Revolution, but we the
Revolutionist are baffled and
puzzled, as to a solution to the
main problem which we now
plainly face.

And that my brothers, is
how to pull your coat, so that
you as a Black Man can take
your rightful place in a strong
Black Society, with pride in
your race.

Granted, many are the
brothers which have begun to
see the light, but there are just
as many brothers, who do not
wish or care to fight.

But Whitey, by the
thousand, can ship your asses
overseas to hide behind sparse
jungle growth, to shoot a gook
between the trees. And you
say SHIT. Why should we be
forced to fight Whitey's battle?

Well listen, Dammit. My
potential brothers, Negroes,
Niggers, and all the others, We
now have a fight that you can
claim. And its one you can die
for, or die for Whitey.


To these enlightened sisters
we give our souls, minds and
bodies to cast within the
revolutionary mold of our
nation, as the spirits of
brotherly love sweeten our
perpetual hate.

* * *
Love and Peace
To the Human Beings
of this Universe,
Pity, to the Twisted
souls of our soon to-be removed,