University of Virginia Library

Solid Background

Mr. Alford said, "Mr. Powell is the best
individual in terms of balance and mental
resources...He's just the kind of element that
ought to be on the court...Mr. Powell is first

In contrast to Mr. Lillich, Mr. Alford was
pleased that President Nixon had chosen two
conservatives for the court.

Mr. Alford said that he felt that the
Supreme Court has over the past few years,
greatly extended the rights of the accused
criminals. He said he believes that Mr. Powell
and Mr. Rehnquist will put an end to this trend.

Daniel J. Meador has in the past been a clerk
to Justice Hugo Black and Dean of the
University of Alabama Law School. Mr. Meador
said that a Supreme Court Justice must possess
a strong intellect, a spaciousness of outlook and
a solid legal background.