University of Virginia Library

Military Sadness

In any crowd there are a few
brighter people who will take
advantage of the loopholes in the
system, braces on their teeth,
expensive doctors' reports linking
their eyesight deficiencies to
diabetes (that one didn't work but
it was a $2,000.00 try),
Conscientious Objection, or any of
the other deferments and
exemptions that money can buy.

There's one other option we
might consider (if we can stop
licking boots long enough to take a
look around). We might just tell the
draft boards to forget us, we're not
going. A significant number of
people have done that in the last
few years. Enough to allow the
repeal people to get into Senators
Offices: certainly enough to push
the number of court cases to the
point of selective prosecution.

I could go on, but, like the author
of yesterday's editorial I'm ready to
run from the room screaming
bored, bored, bored, (My white
skin may also allow me to say these
things with such impudence, but I
like to think not).

At this point, if you get drafted,
it must be because you still believe
that SS has power over your life; if
you admit that then you probably
think that Congress, the executive
and the military, are legitimate and
also have power over your life: and,
if you've admitted belief in all of
those absurdities, you have to
admit the existence of John Stennis
for which I offer you my



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