University of Virginia Library

Straight Chicks

The summary of the social scene
hits home on some counts but
misses the mark on others. "Cats go
down the road to find chicks — to
Mary Washington, or Sweet Briar.
Flicks and picnics are the most
popular forms of date. People go on
dinner dates to 'The Gaslight' or
'The Prism Coffee House.' "

"Virginia is a big drinking school
— of late, marijuana is big, too.
About half the students have tried
grass and it goes for $15 a lid. The
heavier stuff is used only among the
freaks. The administration is cool
and there aren't many busts.

"Most students dress straight
casual. Some freaks have appeared
but they are in the minority. Chicks
are super-straight and wear dresses,
nylons and delicate shoes. The
chick situation should get better
now that the school is coed."

The section entitled
"Environment" sums up the scene
as follows: "Mental — People are
reading Rubin and Cleaver and
talking about sex. Ecology isn't
really happening.

"Physical — Charlottesville is a
dull little city. Students go to
Washington, D.C., two hours away,
for action."