University of Virginia Library

Five Categories

Questions asked by the questionnaire were
divided into five categories: the Council's role
as a representative of students, tactics for
achieving change, University policy issues,
direction of Student Council involvement, and
general questions.

A summary of the questions dealing with
Council's role as a representative organization
of students showed that the students
questioned felt that "while Council is
important, it is not as representative as it
should be."

The survey indicated that 76.7 per cent of
the students "would non-violently demonstrate
to achieve important goals" in which they
believed but that "strikes and demonstrations
should occur after attempts at solutions
through the system have failed." Student
Council opinion closely matched that of the
survey with 80 per cent of the members
agreeing with the statement.

Questioned on University issues, 84.4 per
cent of students surveyed said that the size of
its student enrollment should be limited while
Council members unanimously believed in the
same action.

Over half (55.2 per cent) of the sample and
77 per cent of the Council members agreed that
student conduct regulations should be made
only by the students themselves.