University of Virginia Library

Attract Flock

Also, a large part of the growth can be
attributed to the efforts of President Edgar
Shannon, a leading scholar on the writings of
Tennyson. He and the department have
attracted a flock of new professors to meet the
needs of expansion.

Another department that will soon undergo
great expansion is Sociology and Anthropology.
The beginning of this trend is evidenced by the
hiring of Theodore Caplow, one of the world's
leading scholars in the field.

Mr. Caplow, Professor of Sociology and
Anthropology and new chairman of the
department, comes here from Columbia
University. He received his master's degree and
doctorate from the University of Minnesota,
and he has taught at that school, in France, and
in the Netherlands, besides teaching at
Columbia. In 1968 and 1969 he served as
Visiting Professor at the Sorbonne.