University of Virginia Library

Majority Vote

With this restriction in candidacy and voting
goes a necessary clause. A candidate must be
elected by a majority vote. This would avoid
having a candidate win by only a few votes
when a large number of candidates are on the
ballot. In this way, the majority voice is heard.

In addition, this year the Committee on
Political Societies and Elections will run the
election next month. Once the new officers are
elected, the class, according to the constitution,
must then follow the Council's guidelines in
running future elections. If it does not feel it is
possible to hold such elections, the Council will
be called in to help.

Another problem that irritated some
members of last year's class was that no class
meetings had to be held and that no
referendums were ever binding upon the class
officers. Under the new constitution, however,
there must be at least one class meeting per