University of Virginia Library


A-School 'Sick Of Watching'

By James Boniface

The author, President of the
School of Architecture, recently
presented the following article to
the Student Committee on a
University Senate, in which he
outlines student organization of the
Architecture school and expresses
concern over lack of effective
student organization in other
schools of the University. A full
report on the work being done
towards establishing a revitalized
University Senate on the Grounds
as well as a look at what other
schools have done in this area will
appear in a regular edition of The
Cavalier Daily this week.


In the spring of 1968 the School
of Architecture experienced a point
in time when the students of that
school refused to accept certain
inadequacies in the program of that
school - in their education. Problems
were different in the various
years and divisions of that school,
but all were expressed at several
school-wide meetings during one
week, and demands were made by
the students concerning curriculum,
faculty, and the expression of
student opinion in the policy-making
process of that school.

After this period of crisis had
passed, it was clear to everyone that
problems arose simply because
inadequate channels of communication
existed. The students at that
time rewrote the constitution of
the school to merge the Student
AIA and Architectural Council into
what they deemed a Design Council
- one that would contain representatives
from all architectural,
landscape architecture, planning
and architectural history classes.
This was done to strengthen the
student organization so that it
could localize energies to take care
of the students' increased role in
the administration of the school.

At the time of the threatened
boycott of classes and turmoil, the
students and faculty worked with
the dean to set up certain School
committees on which students and
faculty could work together. These
were and are:

  • 1. Curriculum Committee -
    membership of the six department
    heads and three
    students. Voting is not an
    issue, since none are really

  • 2. Student-Faculty Relations
    Committee - membership of
    three students and three
    faculty who meet to discuss
    current school problems.

  • 3. Library Committee - membership
    of two student, two
    faculty, and the librarian
    who meet to decide on
    library policies.

  • 4. Lecturers Committee - membership
    of four faculty and
    two students who organize
    the year's lecture series.

  • 5. Equipment Committee -
    membership of three faculty
    and two students who meet
    to decide policy for use of all
    equipment and of the photo

  • 6. Admissions - 3 students
    working with admissions

There are only two committees
in the school that the students are
not on - for the simple reason that
there is no need for them. These are
the promotions Committee, and the
Catalogue Committee.

Students, participating in such a
great manner already, have not seen
any need for attending faculty
meetings. When the faculty met to
vote on the six-year curriculum
report of the committee, they
invited students to their meeting.

To get back to the Design
Council, it is made up of the
Presidents of all five years of
architecture, a planning representative
and a graduate planning representative.
Landscape Architects and
Historians will be placed on the
Council as soon as they chose their
representatives. The President of
the School presides over its meetings,
and the Vice-President, Secretary,
Treasurer, Student Council
Rep., and Judiciary Rep, as well as
any and all of the students of the
School are in attendance. This body
approves the president's faculty and
student recommendations to the
aforementioned committees. In my
experience this list of recommendations
was accepted fully by the
dean, not only for students, but
also as far as faculty appointments

As president, I set up four
committees of the Design Council,
whose heads give bi-weekly reports
to the Council. These Committees

  • 1. The Academic Committee -
    made up of all students on
    the Curriculum, and Library
    Committees of the School.
    This Committee also conducts
    curriculum evaluation
    for the school.

  • 2. The Professional Committee
    - made up of students on
    the lecturers Committee, its
    head is also responsible for
    the first-year orientation
    pamphlet and program as
    well as presiding over the
    publication of the Design
    Council's bi-monthly newspaper
    - Dialogue.

  • 3. The Services Committee -
    The head of the S&S Shop
    heads this committee and
    looks after the progress of
    the shop as well as of the
    Equipment Committee.

  • 4. The Environmental Action
    Committee - This committee
    is made up of the
    Vice-Presidents of all classes
    as well as of any one
    interested in working on
    community or University Involvement.
    This Committee
    is currently working on drafting
    of a Black Recruitment
    letter to explain the School
    of Architecture to the Black
    recruiter, as well as attempting
    to set up exchange
    programs with Hampton Institute
    and Howard Schools
    of Architecture. It is also
    setting up a display of
    University Architecture of
    the future to be shown at
    Miller & Rhoades, An Alumni
    Day, and used for general
    education of the University

  • 5. The Vice-President of the
    School coordinates all activities
    of the School concerning
    the AIA.

The object of this letter is to
show to this committee what has
across the street. The
students of the school of Architecture
are sick of watching the
Student Council act as a Council
for the College. It is intended to
show that the "Mainstream of this
community" is behind, student
governments capable of solving
school problems and that are ready
to move on to problems of priority
that face the University of Virginia
as a whole - as a body of students
and faculty working together to
make an improvement in the world.