University of Virginia Library

Suspension Urged

Their statement "urges all faculty, students
and staff to suspend 'business as usual' on that
day and neither hold nor attend regular

In lieu of classes for that day, the Club
invites both faculty and students in the
Department of Sociology and Anthropology to
participate in a seminar entitled "Revolution
and Counter-Revolution: The Role of the
American Sociologist and Anthropologist."

The Club's actions follow an announcement
by the department chairman. Richard J.
Coughlin, urging everyone to participate in the
Moratorium activities. The seminar will be held
at 10 a.m. on October 15 in the informal
lounge of Newcomb Hall.

At their meeting Monday, the Inter-Fraternity
Council approved a statement
supporting October 15 "as a day on which the
members of the University community should
discuss America's involvement in the war in