University of Virginia Library

Aggressive Drive

The drive for more aggressive
black student recruiting, and
particularly for the hiring of a
Negro in the admissions
department, was supported last
May by the Student Council and
reiterated in a recent resolution,
which said that "It is even more
essential than it was last year to
have a black admissions officer with
responsibility for black students,"
and urged university President
Edgar F. Shannon to hire one as
soon as possible.

The president's policy,
according to Mr. Evans, has been to
adopt a neutral attitude to keep
from offending the state legislature
and alumni.

"Recruiting is complex and the
object is not always swiftly
accomplished," wrote Mr. Shannon
to Mr. Evans last spring. "The
important point is that the
University is sympathetic and is
making a genuine effort in this
direction. Several of our own black
students were recently requested to
communicate with 18 prospective
Negro students; nine of those 18
accepted. That kind of personal
effort accomplishes positive good as
opposed to the negative effect of