University of Virginia Library

Was Never Told

"But if they are now saying
that they told me and that they
cannot tell anyone else, the first
part of the statement is incorrect.
It may be, however, that they are
not saying this, but simply that
the reasons for my promotion
should be kept secret because in
their view they would reflect discredit
on me even though they
have not told me what the reasons

"In any event, I appreciate
your concern; and I, myself, will
be very much interested in knowing
what the real reasons for the
University's decision not to
promote me were. I deduce that
that their reasons, whatever they
were, weighed heavily with the
University because not only was
I not promoted but my salary
was kept very low in the Associate
Professor level.

"I gather that you do not want
me to engage in simple speculation
as to the motives of the University
in my case, or for that
matter in the cases of Mr. Coase
and Mr. Whinston, or currently
Mr. Buchanan. I have been able
to keep abreast of the present dispute
by clippings which have been
mailed to me from various newspapers,
and it would seem to me
that all the possible explanations
I could offer have been offered
by various people at various