University of Virginia Library

Stresses Tradition

Stressing that tradition at Virginia
has always been "student
tradition not faculty traditions,"
Mr. Woody asserted that it is the
students who have kept up the
high standard of dress and it
is up to them to maintain that

Talking about the honor system
Mr. Woody stressed the importance
of the honor system and
the fact that it is up to the undergraduates
and the first-year class
especially to keep up the effectiveness
of the Honor System.

Dean Woody then turned his
attention to comparing the faculty
when he attended the University
and the present faculty.
He noted that when he was a
student there were 70 professors
with degrees. "Now there are
seventy in every department."

At present there are 126 new
names on the faculty roster; of
these, 16 obtained a degree from
the University. Mr. Woody said
that there were "very few from
the South" on the roster.

Among the new professors are
many from foreign countries. "It
may be that the South cannot
supply the calibre of professor
we had then," he added.