University of Virginia Library


In the absence of Mr. Talbott, Mr. Gay spoke for the Committee. He reported that he has
been asked by Mr. Talbott to confer with Mr. Coleman Wortham, President of the Student Aid Foundation,
concerning the proposal of the Student Aid Foundation that the grants-in-aid to athletes be made with
the stipulation that funds will be taken away if a student does not maintain his academic standing
and fails to participate in all sports in which he is asked to participate by the athletic officers
of the University. Mr. Wortham informed Mr. Gay that to secure athletes in competition with other
schools, it is necessary to make an offer of a four-year grant and that unless the above stipulation
was obtained, a student could simply refuse to participate and there would be no way to take the
grant away from him

Mr. Black stated that some of the Student Aid officers felt that such a stipulation was
not necessary. He objected to it on the grounds that (1) it was not necessary as only one student
has ever refused to participate, and (2) if the Board permitted such a regulation in the University
requirements, we would not be in conformity with the rules of the NCAA and, hence, would have to
resign or be "kicked out".

After considerable discussion, Mr. Gay was asked to confer with representatives of the
Student Aid Foundation and secure in writing proposed regulations of the group, which the University
would submit to the NCAA and secure a ruling as to whether or not such regulations would conform
to the requirements of the NCAA.