University of Virginia Library


The Rector stated that the Mary Washington Committee had met Thursday evening and had
heard proponents interested in the naming of the new music building in the Fine Arts Center. The
two names suggested were John Powell and John Garland Pollard. The Mary Washington Committee felt
that this was such a controversial matter that the facts concerning it should be presented to the

A discussion ensued of the reasons advanced by the proponents of each name. The view
was expressed that it would be more appropriate for John Powell to be honored at his alma mater.
President Darden stated that he would be glad to discuss the matter with the Chairman of the
Music Department and explain to her what was being done at the University to honor John Powell.
A resolution was adopted, naming the building for John Garland Pollard. Mrs. Smith and Dr. Emmett
voted against the resolution.

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On motion the meeting was then adjourned.

Barron F. Black
Vincent Shea