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WHEREAS, the 2005 General Assembly passed HB 2866 and SB 1327 known as the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act, as amended by the Governor; and

WHEREAS, eligibility for participation in the Act specifies the formal adoption of a resolution by the Board of Visitors of the public institution of higher education by August 1, 2005, committing to the Governor and to the General Assembly to meet a set of eleven statewide goals as specified in Chapter 4.10, Section 23-38.88 B. of the Act as follows:

  • 1. Consistent with its institutional mission, provide access to higher education for all citizens throughout the Commonwealth, including underrepresented populations, and, consistent with subdivision 4 of 23- 9.6:1 and in accordance with anticipated demand analysis, meet enrollment projections and degree estimates as agreed upon with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. Each such institution shall bear a measure of responsibility for ensuring that the statewide demand for enrollment is met;

  • 2. Consistent with 23-9.2:3.02, ensure that higher education remains affordable, regardless of individual or family income, and through a periodic assessment, determine the impact of tuition and fee levels net of financial aid on applications, enrollment, and student indebtedness incurred for the payment of tuition and fees;

  • 3. Offer a broad range of undergraduate and, where appropriate, graduate programs consistent with its mission and assess regularly the extent to which the institution's curricula and degree programs address the Commonwealth's need for sufficient graduates in particular shortage areas, including specific academic disciplines, professions, and geographic regions;

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  • 4. Ensure that the institution's academic programs and course offerings maintain high academic standards, by undertaking a continuous review and improvement of academic programs, course availability, faculty productivity, and other relevant factors;

  • 5. Improve student retention such that students progress from initial enrollment to a timely graduation, and that the number of degrees conferred increases as enrollment increases;

  • 6. Consistent with its institutional mission, develop articulation agreements that have uniform application to all Virginia community colleges and meet appropriate general education and program requirements at the four-year institution, provide additional opportunities for associate degree graduates to be admitted and enrolled, and offer dual enrollment programs in cooperation with high schools;

  • 7. Actively contribute to efforts to stimulate the economic development of the Commonwealth and the area in which the institution is located, and for those institutions subject to a management agreement set forth in Subchapter 3 (23-38.91 et seq.) of this chapter, in areas that lag the Commonwealth in terms of income, employment, and other factors;

  • 8. Consistent with its institutional mission, increase the level of externally funded research conducted at the institution and facilitate the transfer of technology from university research centers to private sector companies;

  • 9. Work actively and cooperatively with elementary and secondary school administrators, teachers, and students in public schools and school divisions to improve student achievement, upgrade the knowledge and skills of teachers, and strengthen leadership skills of school administrators;

  • 10. Prepare a six-year financial plan consistent with 23-9.2:3.02; and

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  • 11. Conduct the institution's business affairs in a manner that maximizes operational efficiencies and economies for the institution, contributes to maximum efficiencies and economies of state government as a whole, and meets the financial and administrative management standards as specified by the Governor pursuant to 2.2- 5004 and included in the appropriation act that is in effect, which shall include best practices for electronic procurement and leveraged purchasing, information technology, real estate portfolio management, and diversity of suppliers through fair and reasonable consideration of small, women, and minority-owned business enterprises.

WHEREAS, upon adoption of this resolution the University of Virginia, the University of Virginia Medical Center, and the University of Virginia's College at Wise shall be permitted on or after July 1, 2005 to exercise certain financial and administrative operational authority as specified in Chapter 4.10, 23-38.88 A.; and

WHEREAS, after meeting certain performance benchmarks associated with each of the eleven goals as assessed and certified by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, the University, the Medical Center, and the College at Wise will be eligible for certain financial incentives such as interest on tuition and fee revenue as outlined in 2.2-5005 of the Act;

RESOLVED that the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia commits to the Governor and to the General Assembly that it will meet the goals as set forth in this resolution in addition to such other responsibilities as prescribed by law as they pertain to the University of Virginia, the Medical Center, and the College at Wise; and

RESOLVED FURTHER that the Board of Visitors requests the President to transmit this resolution to the Governor and the Secretary of Education.