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Friedman Speaks
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Friedman Speaks

University of Chicago
Economics Prof Milton
Friedman will speak today at 4
p m in Cabell Hall

Mr Friedman is the author
of several books, articles, and
treatises on various economic

His most noted books are A
Theory of Consumption Essays
in Positive Economics,
and his
most recent book, An
Economist's Protest,
which will
be on sale tomorrow after his
speech. Mr. Friedman will
autograph his book for anyone
who purchases a copy.

The economist also writes a
column for "Newsweek" and is
considered a leading authority
in monetary economics. He is a
leading contender for the
Nobel Prize in Economics this

The title of Mr. Friedman's
presentation will be "Socialist
Ends. Capitalist Means." The
public is invited and admission
is free.