![]() | A catalogue of the officers and students of the University of Virginia | ![]() |

PROFICIENTS.—July 1, 1875.
A. S.—Anglo Saxon.
C. & I. L.—Constitutional and International
J. & I. M.—Junior and Intermediate
Mathematics.L. &. R.—Literature and Rhetoric.
M. J.—Medical Jurisprudence.
M. & G.—Mineralogy and Geology.
P. E.—Political Economy.
PHYSICS.—Junior Natural Philosophy.
Anderson, Samuel A., | Henry Co., Va., | C. & I. L. |
Barksdale, Francis N., | Albemarle Co., Va., | C. & I. L. |
Bartlett, Eugene S., | Monticello, Ga., | C. & I. L. |
Barham, Wm. Blount, | Southampton Co., Va., | M. J. |
Blakey, Thomas Evans, | Middlesex Co., Va., | A. S., C. & I. L. |
Bocock, Charles Wm., | Lynchburg, Va., | C. & I. L. |
Burruss, Henry Page, | Louisa Co., Va., | L. & R. |
Burwell, Robert Lemmon, | Anne-Arundel Co., Md., | PHY. |
Callaghan, Bryan, | San Antonio, Texas, | C. & I. L. |
Chancellor, Eustathius A., | Charlottesville, Va., | M. J. |
Cheatham, Richard, | Nashville, Tenn., | P. E. |
Clark, Wm. Meade, | Halifax Co., Va., | L. & R. |
Coleman, Frank Allen, | Halifax Co., Va., | C. & I. L. |
Conway, Frederic Elias, | Little Rock, Ark., | C. & I. L. |
Culpepper, Vernon Grant, | Portsmouth, Va., | M. J. |
Dabney, Charles Wm., | Hampden Sidney, Va., | PHYSICS. |
Davis, Charles Alfred, Jr., | Greensboro', Ga., | P. E. |
Davis, R. Frank, | Louisa Co., Va., | M. J. |
Downing, Henry H., | Fauquier Co., Va., | C. & L. I. |
Dudley, Wm. Henry, | Lynchburg, Va., | C. & I. L. |
Dulany, Henry Grafton, | Loudoun Co., Va., | C. & I. L. |
Dulin, Alex. Franklin, | Baltimore, Md., | A. S. |
Dunlop, James M., | Anson Co., N. C., | M. J. |
Earle, Theron, | Greenville, S. C. | PHAR., PHY. |
Emerson, Joseph Baxter, | Albemarle Co., Va., | M. J., AN. |
Fant, Francis Wm., | Roseborough, S. C., | C. & I. L. |
Finlayson, Daniel A., | Monticello, Fla., | J. & I. M. |
Floyd, Francis Patton, | Tazewell Co., Va., | PHAR. |
Frazier, Howard Tate, | Staunton, Va., | L. & R., P. E. |
Gage, Fred. Fanning, | Union, S. C., | PHY. |
Gaines, Grenville, | Warrenton, Va., | C. & I. L. |
Gibbs, Vaulx, | Nashville, Tenn., | H. |
Gilliam, Wm. C., | Spartanburg, S. C., | M. J., AN. |
Gilmore, Jackson H., | Eaton, Ohio, | C. & I. L. |
Goettinger, John S., | Berlin, Prussia, | C. & I. L. |
Goodwyn, Wm. Samuel, | Greenville Co., Va., | C. & I. L. |
Gore, Joshua W., | Frederick Co., Va., | M. & G. |
Graves, William, | San Louis Obispo, Cal., | C. & I. L. |
Gunther, Ludolph Wilhelm, | Baltimore, Md., | A. S. |
Gwyn, Walter Ballard, | Elkin, N. C., | L. & R. |
Hanauer, Abram, | Columbia, Pa., | A. S., C. & I. L. |
Hays, Thos. Jefferson, | Kimball, Tenn., | PHYSICS. |
Hill, Allan C., | Albemarle Co., Va., | C. & I. L. |
Holman, George, | Weimer, Texas, | M. J. |
Hooker, Allen J., | Jackson, Miss., | C. & I. L. |
Hughes, Robert M., | Abingdon, Va., | L. & R., J. & I. M. |
Hughes, Walter John, | Tulip, Ark., | J. & I. M., PHYSICS. |
Hughes, Henry West, | Tulip, Ark., | PHYSICS. |
Johnston, Christopher, Jr., | Baltimore, Md., | L. & R. |
Johnston, George Benjamin, | Abingdon, Va., | M. J., PHAR. |
Johns, Claude D., | Clinton, Miss., | C. & I. L. |
Jones, Thomas N., | Mecklenburg Co., Va., | C. & I. L. |
Leavell, Louis Y., | Lancaster, Ky., | C. & I. L. |
Levi, Leo Napoleon, | Victoria, Texas, | M. J., C. & I. L. |
Lewis, Sidney Francis, | New Orleans, La., | M. & G. |
Lewin, Jacob Y., | Rockingham Co., Va., | M. J. |
Lyne, Alpheus G., | Saline Co., Mo., | L. & R. |
McCutchen, John Cochran, | Vicksburg, Miss., | P. E. |
McDowell, William O., | Murfresboro', N. C., | PHY. |
Mackenzie, John N., | Baltimore, Md., | M. J. |
Marks, George Mathews, | Montgomery, Ala., | C. & I. L. |
Martin, Charles Henry, | Wake Forest, N. C., | L. & R. |
Mason, John E., | King George Co., Va., | C. & I. L. |
Massie, James McDowell, | Richmond, Va., | M. J. |
May, Edward, | New Orleans, La., | L. & R. |
Miller, William, | Amherst Co., Va., | M. & G., PHYSICS. |
Minor, Robert Berkeley, | Hanover Co., Va., | J. & I. M., M. & G., PHYSICS. |
Murrell, Wm. McKendree, | Campbell Co., Va., | C. & I. L. |
Myles, Beverley B., | Utica, Miss., | C. & I. L. |
Nelson, John J., | Cumberland Co., Va., | M. J., AN. |
Nelson, William, | Cumberland Co., Va., | C. & I. L. |
Nicol, Charles Edgar, | Prince William Co., Va., | C. & I. L. |
Olmsted, John Cooke, | Rhinebeck, New York, | M. J. |
Perry, Walter Scott, | Washington, D. C., | C. & I. L. |
Peyton, Charles E. C., | University of Va., | M. J., PHAR. |
Pipes, Daniel Smith, | Natchez, Miss., | C. & I. L. |
Price, Samuel H., | Bedford, Co., Va., | M. J., PHY., AN. |
Renfro, Byron, | Smithfield, Ky., | C. & I. L. |
Robertson, Benj. T., | Culpeper Co., Va., | PHY. |
Robertson, John Walter, | Fauquier Co., Va., | H. |
Robinson, Austin Mortimer, | Austin, Texas, | L. & R., P. E., M. J. |
Rousseau, Theodore A., | Savannah, Ga., | C. & I. L. |
Rucker, Charles Thomas, | Lynchburg, Va., | C. & I. L. |
Sanders, Samuel Gillispie, | Salado, Texas, | A. S. |
Shawhan, Henry Cantrill, | Cynthiana, Ky., | A. S. |
Snow, Elbert Clay, | Wythe Co., Va., | J. & I. M. |
Somerville, Henry, | Culpeper County, Va., | M. J. |
Southall, Robert G., | Amelia County, Va., | C. & I. L. |
Stevens, William Le Roy, | Richmond, Va., | PHAR. |
Sweeney, James Joel, | Owensboro', Ky., | C. & I. L. |
Thornton, Harrison R., | Hampden Sidney, Va., | I. & J. M. |
Urquhart, Whitmel Hill, | Southampton County, Va., | L. & R. |
Vasser, William Edward, | Athens, Ala., | M. J., C. & I. L. |
Wade, William A., | Christiansburg, Va., | C. & I. L. |
Walton, Newton S., | Austin, Texas, | A. S., M. J., C. & I. L. |
Walton, Morgan Lanck, | Woodstock, Va., | C. & I. L. |
White, William D., | Prince William County, Va., | A. S. |
Whitworth, John Leonidas, | Nashville, Tenn., | J. & I. M. |
Wilcoxson, William, | Frederick City, Md., | C. & I. L. |
Woodard, John Exum, | Wilson, N. C., | C. & I. L. |
Wood, James, | Edenton, N. C., | C. & I. L. |
Woods, Samuel Baker, | Charlottesville, Va., | J. & I. M. |
Young, Rush Floyd, | Grayson County, Va., | M. J. |
Anglo Saxon, | 8 |
Anatomy, | 4 |
Constitutional and International Law, | 44 |
History, | 2 |
Junior and Intermediate Mathematics, | 8 |
Literature and Rhetoric, | 11 |
Medical Jurisprudence, | 22 |
Mineralogy and Geology, | 4 |
Political Economy, | 5 |
Physics, | 6 |
Pharmacy, | 5 |
Physiology, | 6 |

GRADUATES.—July 1, 1875.
AP. M.—Applied Mathematics.
A. C.—Analytical Chemistry.
A. & A. C.—Analytical and Agricultural
Chemistry.A. & N. H.—Agriculture and Natural History.
C.—Chemistry, (General.)
G. & I. C.—General & Industrial Chemistry.
H. L. & R.—History, Literature and Rhetoric.
I. C.—Industrial Chemistry.
M. L.—Modern Languages, including
French and German.M. P.—Moral Philosophy.
M.—Mathematics, (Pure.)
N. P.—Natural Philosophy.
Blakey, James, | Charlottesville, Va., | L. |
Blackwell, Edwin Smith, | Fauquier Co., Va., | L., GER., M. |
Bohannan, Rosser D., | Mathews Co., Va., | N. P., M., I. C. |
Bryan, Corbin Braxton, | Fluvanna Co., Va., | M. P. |
Bryan, St. Geo. T. C., | Fluvanna Co., Va., | G. & I. C. |
Brown, Wm. George, | Albemarle Co., Va., | A. & N. H., G. & I. C., A. & A. C. |
Bullock, Robert H., | Savannah, Ga., | AP. M. |
Comer, Charles Francis, | Roanoke Co., Va., | L. |
Cooper, Robert Muldrow, | Mayesville, S. C., | M. |
Crenshaw, S. Dabney, | Orange Co., Va., | L., GER., C. |
Currin, John Watson, | Memphis, Tenn., | FR. |
Davis, Charles Alfred, Jr., | Greensboro', Ga., | FR., C., H. L. & R. |
Della Torre, Frank, | Baltimore, Md., | A. C. |
Dulany, Henry Grafton, | Loudoun Co., Va., | FR., GER. |
Dulin, Alex. Franklin, | Baltimore, Md., | FR., GER. |
Earle, Theron, | Greenville, S. C., | C. |
Fardy, Matthew James, | Baltimore, Md., | L., GER. |
Fitzpatrick, Benjamin, | Montgomery, Ala., | C. |
Gibbs, Vaulx, | Nashville, Tenn., | L. |
Gordon, Armistead C., | Albemarle Co., Va., | L. |
Gordon, John Beale, | Fauquier Co., Va., | M., AP. M. |
Gore, Joshua Walker, | Frederick Co., Va., | G. & I. C., AP. M. |
Grinnan, Robert Temple, | Orange Co., Va., | L., FR. |
Gwyn, Walter Ballard, | Elkin, N. C., | C. |
Hanauer, Abram, | Columbia, Pa., | H. L. & R. |
Harding, Edward Coles, | Northumberland Co., Va., | G. |
Hargrove, Marcellus M., | Amherst Co., Va., | FR., GER. |
Harris, John Woods, | Galveston, Texas, | G. |
Harris, Henry Earnest, | Albemarle Co., Va., | M. P. |
Harnsberger, Charles G., | Rockingham Co., Va., | N. P., I. C., AP. M. |
Harrison, Edward Burr, | Leesburg, Va., | GER. |
Haywood, Robert, | Raleigh, N. C., | L. |
Hite, Lewis Field, | Rappahannock Co., Va., | FR., GER. |
Hughes, Robert M., | Abingdon, Va., | GER., C. |
Irby, J. R. McDaniel, | Lynchburg, Va., | M. |
Jesse, Richard Henry, | Lancaster Co., Va., | G., FR., M., M. P. |
Johnston, Christopher Jr., | Baltimore, Md., | G. |
Jones, Frank Partridge, | Cecilton, Md., | FR., GER. |
Kean, Lancelot Minor, | Lynchburg, Va. | M. |
Leakin, James Wilson, | Baltimore, Md., | GER. |
Lewis, Sidney Francis, | New Orleans, La., | N. P., I. C., AP. M. |
Liggett, Winfield, | Harrisonburg, Va., | L., G. |
Liggon, Chas. W. Dorsey, | Ellicott City, Md., | L. |
Lockwood, Geo. R., | St. Louis, Mo., | I. C. |
Lyne, Alpheus G., | Saline Co., Mo., | G., M. P. |
Mackenzie, John N., | Baltimore, Md., | C. |
McAlpine, Robert B., | Concord, N. C., | M. P. |
McCalley, Henry, | Huntsville, Ala., | M., N. P., AP. M. |
McCarty, Richard J., | Chapel Hill, Tenn., | AP. M. |
Martin, Chas Henry, | Wake Forest, N. C. | L. |
May, Edward, | New Orleans, La., | GER., M., P. |
Memminger, Edward Reed, | Charleston, S. C., | L., H. L. & R. |
Minor, Wirt, | Albemarle County, Va., | G., H. L. & R. |
Mountjoy, Clifford A., | King George County, Va., | M., N. P., H. L. & R. |
Murrell, Wm. McKendree, | Campbell County. Va., | M. P. |
Nelson, Keating Simons, | Culpeper County, Va., | L. M. |
Nelson, Robert, Jr., | Charlottesville, Va., | G. & I. C., A. & A. C. |
Packard, Thomas Jones, | Fairfax County, Va., | FR., M. P. |
Pickrell, John, | Richmond, Va., | L., FR., M. |
Preston, John Booker, | Lynchburg, Va., | G., FR., M., C. |
Reese, Frederick Focke, | Baltimore, Md., | G., M. P. |
Riddle, Harvey, | Estell County, Ky., | H. L. & R. |
Robinson, Austin M., | Austin, Texas, | M. P. |
Robertson, Wm. G., | Charlottesville, Va., | G., M. |
Rogers, Wm. McMillan, | Starksville, Miss., | FR., GER., M., C. |
Shepherd, Robert B., | Fredericksburg, Va., | C. |
Shryock, Richard Fuller, | Baltimore, Md., | GER. |
Steele, Richard Hume, | Pulaski, Tenn., | G. & I. C., M. P. |
Steele, Charles, | Baltimore, Md., | L., FR. |
Stevens, Wm. LeRoy, | Richmond, Va., | C. |
Sweeney, James Joel, | Owensboro', Ky., | H. L. & R. |
Taylor, Henry, Jr., | Louisa County, Va., | L., N. P. |
Taylor, Fred. Wm., | Washington, D. C., | A. & A. C. |
Thom, Alfred Pembroke, | Northampton, County, Va., | GER., N. P., C. |
Thomas, Geo. Saunders, | Richmond, Va., | L., FR., M. |
Thomas, Jordan Sumner, | Wilmington, N. C., | FR., GER., H. L. & R., M. P. |
Thornton, Harrison R., | Hampden Sidney, Va., | L., GER. |
Toy, Walter Dalham, | Norfolk, Va. | L. |
Turnbull, Nathaniel H., | Lawrenceville, Va., | M., A. & A. C., AP. M. |
Tyler, Lyon Gardiner, | Charles City County, Va., | GER., H. L. & R., N. P. |
Venable, Frank Preston, | University of Virginia, | L., M. |
Waller, Nelson S., | Spotsylvania County, Va., | M. |
Watson, James, | Louisa County, Va., | L., FR. |
Wellford, Beverley R., | Richmond, Va., | L., N. P., C. |
White, William D., | Prince William County, Va., | GER. |
Wilkins, Ashley, | Gaston, N. C., | FR. |
Wilson, Marshall Clarke, | Russellville, Ala., | M., N. P. |
Woodard, John Exum, | Wilson, N. C., | GER. |
Woods, Henry McKee, | Charlottesville, Va., | G., M. |
Woods, John R., | Albemarle County, Va., | FR. |
Wood, Joseph Learned, | Albemarle County, Va., | GER. |
Wood, James, | Edenton, N. C., | C. |
Wood, Lewis, | Charlottesville, Va., | GER. |
Wood, Robert Hancock, | Charlottesville, Va., | GER. |
Applied Mathematics, | 9 |
Analytical Chemistry, | 1 |
Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry, | 4 |
Agriculture and Natural History, | 1 |
Chemistry, (General,) | 14 |
French, | 12 |
German, | 16 |
General and Industrial Chemistry, | 5 |
Greek, | 11 |
History, Literature, and Rhetoric, | 9 |
Industrial Chemistry, | 4 |
Latin, | 23 |
Modern Languages, (French and German,) | 7 |
Moral Philosophy, | 12 |
Mathematics, (Pure,) | 21 |
Natural Philosophy, | 10 |
1st. Bryan, Corbin Braxton, | Fluvanna County, Va. |
2nd. Packard, Thomas Jones, | Fairfax County, Va. |
Awarded upon Special Examination,
Brown, William George, | Albemarle County, Va. |

Cazenove, Louis Albert, | Fairfax County, Va. |
Crenshaw, John Werner, | Hopkinsville, Ky. |
Cuningham, Thomas Alexander, | Danville, Va. |
Davis, Smith Siebert, | Boonsboro', Md. |
Doggett, Andrew Capers, | Fredericksburg, Va. |
Dillard, John William, | Amherst County, Va. |
DuBose, William Richards, | Sparta, Ga. |
Floyd, Francis Patton, | Tazewell County, Va. |
Jeffries, Millard Dudley, | Culpeper County, Va. |
Jones, Thomas Olin, | Franklin, W. Va. |
Koiner, Arthur Zirkle, | Augusta County, Va. |
Lee, Henry Wilder, | Johnson County, N. C. |
Lockwood, William F., Jr. | Baltimore County, Md. |
Nelson, Hugh Thomas, | Charlottesville, Va. |
Peek, Jesse Hope, | Hampton, Va. |
Saunders, Edward Watts, | Campbell County, Va. |
Schué, Eugene Dudley, | Louisville, Ky. |
Tanner, John A., Jr., | Lynchburg, Va. |
Vest, James Marshall, | Richmond, Va. |
White, William Scott, | Lexington, Va. |
Winn, John Farmer, | Fluvanna County, Va. |
Bellamy, John D., | Wilmington, N. C. |
Boaz, William H., | Albemarle County, Va. |
Brooke, James V., | Warrenton, Va. |
Bumgardner, Lewis M., | Staunton, Va, |
Caldwell, William, | Warrenton, Va. |
Cole, Edward P., | Williamsburg, Va. |
Dabney, Walter D., | Albemarle County, Va. |
Lee, Francis B., | New Orleans, La. |
Manson, Nathaniel J., | Lynchburg, Va. |
Pottinger, David H., | Hamilton County, Ohio. |
Rixey, John F., | Culpeper, Va. |
Simpson, Winfield M., | Alexandria, Va. |
Thomas, Clarence, | Loudoun County, Va. |
Townes, Alfred E., | Austin, Texas. |
Wells, James B., Jr. | Refugio County, Texas. |
Gore, Joshua Walker, | Frederick County, Va. |
Harnsberger, Charles G., | Rockingham County, Va. |
Lewis, Sidney Francis, | New Orleans, La. |

Cooper, Robert Muldrow, | Mayesville, S. C. |
McCalley, Henry, | Huntsville, Ala. |
Turnbull, Nathaniel H., | Lawrenceville, Va. |
Cooper, Robert Muldrow, | Mayesville, S. C. |
Irby, J. R. McDaniel, | Lynchburg, Va, |
McCalley, Henry, | Huntsville, Ala. |
Turnbull, Nathaniel H., | Lawrenceville, Va. |
Packard, Thomas Jones, | Fairfax County, Va. |
Mountjoy, Clifford, A., | King George County, Va. |
Rogers, William McMillan, | Starkville, Miss. |
Tyler, Lyon Gardiner, | Charles City County, Va. |
![]() | A catalogue of the officers and students of the University of Virginia | ![]() |