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VIII. Virginia Council. A Letter to "Sr Raphe Winwood" 1611 (?)
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VIII. Virginia Council. A Letter to "Sr Raphe Winwood"
1611 (?)

Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry Manuscripts, Winwood Papers, Volume 9
(Courtesy of Duke of Buccleuch)[59]
Document in Boughton House
List of Records No. 16

Sir Having addressed latelye or Lrs to the Coronells and othr cheife
Com̃aunders of the Englishe in those Netherland partes for the advauncing
of the woor[t]hie enterprise of planting Coloneyes of or Natyon in the
fruitfull and rich Countrye of Virginia, and to drawe them into socyetye


of yt Action, and consequently to contrybuc̃on towardes the charge hereof:
We have thought fitt not onelye to offer or selves to yor Lp: in like sorte,
but in regard of yor place also, and personale woorth and sufficyency, to
pray yor best assistance in forwarding the same among those Noble and
woorthie gens vnto whom we have by or L̃res or other wise recommended
it. And for yre better informc̃on, we have sent you herewth a true
relac̃on of that business, in a book latelye printed, and published by vs
concerning it: And father certefie you that this Actyon having receaved
heartofore many disasserous impedymentes for the fa by the factyousnes
and insufficyencye of sundrye the Governours and others in Virginia, is
now [at] length settled in so good order and forwardnes by the industryous
and prudent Goverment of the Lo: La Warre, that we have resolved to
second his Lo: wth three important Supplies, Whearof the first we send
p̢ntelye one the conduct of Sr Thomas Gates Lievtennt generall, and Sir
Tho: Dale Marshall of Virginia, and the rest arre to followe in the two
years next ensuing. And according hereunto the Adventurors have also
resolved to furnishe out this Charge wth three yearlye Supplyes of Moneye,
Some wth 12ll͠ [10] s. a year many other wth doble, and some also wth [tre]ble
that[60] Our desire and hope is that yre Lo: will in all occasions be
ayding to this woorthy Actyon tending so much to the honore and happynes
of or Natyon: And so praying yr answear to be returned to Sr Thomas
Smith oure Treasuror, We rest
§yr answear to be returned to Sr Thomas Smith§

yore Los: verie loving friendes
H. Southampton    Tho: Howard
Montgomery    R: Lisle
Tho: Smythe    Robert Mansell
Walter Cope
Edwin Sandys

Sr Raphe Winwood Knight.

[Directed:] To oure honorable friend Sr Raphe Winwood Knight Lo.
Ambassdor from his Matye wth the States of the vnited Provinces.

[Indorsed, in another hand:] For my La: Winwood.

The recommendation of the plantation of Virginia.


Transcript by Maj. C. A. Markham, of Northampton.


Space in the manuscript.