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For admission by certificate from a secondary school the applicant should
file with the Dean of the University, not later than September 1, a certificate of


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preparation, made out on the blank form furnished by the University. This certificate
must come from an accredited public high school or from an accredited
private secondary school. For admission from an institution of collegiate rank,
an official transcript of the applicant's record, made out on the form used by the
institution in question, must be submitted. In addition, each applicant, whether
from a secondary school or a college, must submit a formal application for
admission, on a blank form supplied by the University.

The candidate for admission from a public high school must be a full graduate
of an accredited four-year high school.

The candidate for admission from a private secondary school must be a full
graduate of the school, or must present a certificate showing that he has completed
at least the equivalent of four years of satisfactory secondary-school work
of standard grade, covering at least fifteen entrance units.

An applicant for admission from a secondary school which requires a special
grade for recommendation to college must have made the grade required by his
school or must have ranked in the upper three-quarters of his class.

In every case an applicant must have the general recommendation of the
principal of his school.

The University accredits all four-year public high schools and all private
secondary schools which are fully accredited by the State Board of Education of
Virginia. Schools outside of Virginia which are fully accredited by their own
state universities or institutions of equal rank, by their own state departments of
education or by recognized regional associations of secondary schools, are also
accredited by the University.

Certificate credit for any entrance unit is invalidated by subsequent failure in
a college entrance examination on the unit in question.

Certificates of preparation from private tutors will in no case be accepted;
students thus prepared must in all cases pass the entrance examinations.