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[How happy, Lord, Thy children are]

How happy, Lord, Thy children are,
Far from the world and all its care
And all its sin removed!
Thou dost for us a place provide,
And in the secret desert hide
And nourish Thy beloved.
Hither by special mercy led,
A little flock, a chosen seed,
We shun the paths of men;
Call'd in our consecrated youth
To listen for the voice of truth,
And solid learning gain.
Thou call'st us here to seek Thy face,
To learn the lessons of Thy grace,
And feel the' atoning blood:
Thou talk'st to every heart sincere,
And all Thy pardoning voice may hear,
And find Thee in the Wood.
Come then, the Life, the Truth, the Way,
Now, in the morning of our day,
These clouds of sin remove;
Make us unto salvation wise,
And help us to secure the prize
Of Thy eternal love.