University of Virginia Library


[But O, we hope for better things]

But O, we hope for better things:
Who left His throne above,
We trust shall hide us with His wings,
And wrap us in His love.
He who so much for us hath done,
Will still our souls defend,
And carry on the work begun
To a triumphant end.
Guide of our weak, unstable youth,
Jesu, Thy Spirit give,
To lead into all saving truth
Us who Thy grace receive.
We do with thanks receive it now,
To keep with humble care;
And all our necks and spirits bow,
Thine easy yoke to bear.
To Thee our steadfast hearts shall cleave,
In these our early days;
Thee whom we long to serve, and live
To spread abroad Thy praise.


Out of our mouth and life, O Lord,
Thy perfect praise ordain;
And let us live to keep Thy word,
And die with Thee to reign.