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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. CXXXV.

The Argument.

This Psalme endited seemth, for ministers in quiere,
Gods workes it telth, vayne Gods it scornth, it singth Gods laudes full cleare.

Laudate nomen domini.


O worship thanke and praise: the name of God the Lord,
Ye seruauntes all: of thys your God: laud ye with one accord.


Ye ministers which stand: in God the Lordes good house:
And kepe the courtes: of this our God: O prayse hym glorious.


Laude ye the Lord for why: the Lord is gracious,
Syng out his name: for sweete it is: to man delicious.


The Lord no doubt hath chose: vnto hymselfe in care.
Olde Iacobs stocke: all Israell: for hys peculyar.


I knowe the Lord is great: and hye I him esteeme
And that our God: passth other Gods: which mē for gods do deeme.


And what it lyketh them: the Lord doth it in deede,
In heauen and earth: in sea full out: in deepes where fishes breede.


He vapours lifth from earth: and they to clouds do renne,
He lightnings turnth: to raine in store: he winds drawth out of dēne.



To quite their cruelnes he smote in Egypt land:
Theyr fruites first got: not one to scape: from man to beast in band.


In midst of thee: the Lord his signes and wonders sent:
Thou Egipt land, which Pharao, and all his seruants shente.


He many countryes smote, and dyuerse nations slew:
He vanguished: most mighty kings: and made them all to rew.


Of Ammorites theyr kyng: hight Seon hie in throne:
So Og, that hog: of Basan king: and Canaans realmes echeone.


And gaue theyr lands and holds: for heritage of right:
For heritage: to Israell: his people whole and quite.


O Lord thy name endureth: for euer world to ende:
From age to age: thy memory: in fame shal stil extend.


For now the Lord hath iudged: his peoples cause most playne:
He them auengd: and pleasd he was with all his flocke agayne.


The Gentyls, Images: be siluer molt and gold:
But handy worke: of wretched men: how euer they be fold


Mouthes haue they made in them? but speake nothing at al,
So eyes they haue: and nought they see, blind Gods and casuall.


And eares they haue in shape, and yet they heare no sound:
Where beast most domme: hath life and sprite, no breth in them is found.


As they be all to see, theyr makers be the leke:
Domme deafe, and dead, brute stockes and blocks: so all which thē do seeke.


Ye house of Israell, do well, prayse ye the Lord,
Yea Aarons house, preach ye his praise: the lords great actes record



Ye Leuis house and seede, blesse ye the Lord all whole
Ye all that feare and worship true, this Lord most hye extoll.


O praysed be the Lord, of Sion nighte and day,
His place is set Hierusalem: O prayse the Lord I say.