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But vengeance was at hand she knew not of:


Though Hherem knew, for, in that wizard globe,
All he foresaw; in silence, there he looked,
Even in her presence, faithless; and beheld
How that the threatened Flood, when it came down,
Found out the sinner in his pride of crime.
In Enos, that bad city, Hherem saw,
Huge Idol; wonderous work; compared with those
Of the degenerate genius of our world,
As the Behemoth, or Leviathan,
Creatures of God's most plastic energy,
With Whale, and Lion, even though mighty these:
(But what to those, and their imperial might,
More than the Stag, and Dolphin to themselves;
Themselves in whom He now is pleased to shew
His power, proportionate to human thought's
Capacity, conception, or surmise?)
—Statue divine. Hard by, in a temple's tower
Was Edna, for the bridal of their god,
Great Mammon, kept. In guise of deity,
—(So Hherem in that magic mirrour traced
Event to come, but yet how nigh at hand)—
Approached Azaradel, with dance, and song
Accompanied, along the public way:
Heaven's window opened, then, right o'er their heads,
A sea with lightning sent, and thunderbolt.
From her high lattice, Edna saw, with praise
Of heavenward eye, the impious rite annulled:
Deluge descending took them all away.