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On Easter-day 87. this was found fixed on the King's Chappel Door.
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On Easter-day 87. this was found fixed on the King's Chappel Door.

When God Almighty had his Palace fram'd,
That Glorious shining Place he Heaven Nam'd;
And when the first Rebellious Angels fell,
He Doom'd them to a certain place, call'd Hell.
Here's Heaven and Hell confirm'd by Sacred Story,
But yet I ne'er could read of Purgatory,
That cleansing place which of late years is found,
For sinning Souls to Flux in till they're sound:
The Priest form'd that for the good Roman Race,
Our Maker never thought of such a place.
Oh Rome! wee'l own thee for a Learn'd wise Nation,
To add a place wanting in Gods Creation.