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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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XV. Chap. xv.

Workes are the perfect Index to a Mind;
He that fears God will ever be inclin'd
To performe Acts of Mercy; and the Iust
Shall attaine Knowledges. As to the lost
Son of her Wombe, a Mother runs wth Ioy,
Soe will she meet him; or as lovingly
As doth the virgin Bride, whose Chaster Eye
ffix't with her thoughts, hates all varietye.
The Bread of Vnderstanding shall be 's food,
And he shall drink, drawne from the precious flood
Of Wisedome, flowing Cups; in a firme Rocke
She will support him, 'gainst the thund'ring shock
Of Malice; he shall trust to her, and she shall be
A safe-guard; give him Dignitie,
'Bove other Men; and teach him what to say,
When Euerie Eare gapes in a solemne Day.
His Browes shall beare a Ioyfull Diadem,


And he surviue in an Immortall ffame.
But not the Sinner thus: for he shall ne're
(Much less Possesse her) stand in veiw to see her;
For (ah) how distant shee! How far remote
From Pride is she, and strangers know her not.
For in the Mouth of Sin, 't doth not accord
With Wisedome,—she proceeding from the Lord.
For Man in Wisedome speaketh sentences
Tending to goodnes, which the Lord will blesse.
“Accuse not God as Author of thy Sin,
“'Tis hatefull to his Soule; say not agin
“He did subvert thy frailtie; for noe vse
“Standeth the sinfull-Man to, in his house;
Hee sin despiseth, and he loves it not,—
“The Man that feares his Maker as he ought.
“God at the first made Man, & did Commit
“Him to his Counsell, Reason, Will, and Witt;
“To walke in his waies of Truth, at his owne will;
“To Chuse or this, or that, or good, or ill.
“Loe he hath giv'n thee freedome to thy Choice;
“Water or ffire, take thy owne advice:
“Soe Life and Death are thine alike, and shall
“Be at thy likeing given; for beyond All,
“The Wisdome is of God; his power as great;
“And seeing all things from his glorious Seat,
“To Such as feare him hath a tender Eye.
“He knowes the workes of Men, the privacye
“Of every heart. Sin is not by his will;
“He nor Commands it, nor allowes of ill.