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Lydgate's Fall of Princes

Edited by Dr. Henry Bergen ... presented to The Early English Text Society by The Carnegie Institution of Washington

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[Off Aurelian in Denmark born.]

Of Denmark born next cam Aurelian,
A worthi kniht his enmyes for tassaille.
Ageyn Gothes a gret werre he began,
Gat victorie in many strong bataile,
Whos noble conquest gretli did auaille
To comoun proffit; for al his werk, parde,
Was to thencres of Roome the cite.
He recurid al Septemptrion,
And westward had many gret victorie.
Among othir, I fynde [that] he was oon
Axed the tryumphe to be put in memorie.
But ther was o thing eclipsed al his glorie,
Which hath the liht of his knihthod withdrawe,
For he was enmy to Crist & to his lawe.
Of whom Bochas list no mor now write,
But in his book goth foorth as he began,
Of oon remembryng þat callid was Tacite,
Which was successour to Aurelyan;
And aftir hym succeded Floryan,
Of which[e] tweyne no remembraunce I fynde
That is notable to be put in mynde.