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CLVI. Sir George Yeardley. Grant of Land to George Harrison March 6, 1620/21
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CLVI. Sir George Yeardley. Grant of Land to George
March 6, 1620/21

C. O. 1, Volume I, No. 53
Document in Public Record Office, London. Original Document, with Autograph
List of Records No. 232

By the Gouernor and Captaine generall of Virginia

To all to whom these presentℯ shall Come, greeting in [ou]r lord god
euerlasting. Knowe ye that I George Yeardley knight, Gouernor and
Captaine generall͠ of Virginia, by Vertue of the great Charter of orders
and lawes Concluded on in a great and generall͠ quarter Courte, by the
Treasurer, Counseil, and Company of Adventurers and planters for this
first Southerne Colony of Virginia (according to the authority graunted
them by his Matie vnder his great seale) and by them dated att London
the eighteenth day of Nouember 1618 and directed to my selfe and the
Conseil of estate here resident doe wth the approbation and Consent of
the same Counseil, who are ioyned in Com̃ission wth mee, giue and graunt


to George Harrison of Charles Cittee gentleman a newe planter (who hath
aboade here three yeares, and hath defrayed the Chardge of his owne
passage att his Com̃ing hither) and to his heires and assignes for euer, for
his first generall͠ dividend, to bee augmented and doubled by the Company
to him, his said heires and assignes, when he or they shall once sufficiently
haue planted and peopled the same two hundred acres of lande situate
and being on the opposite side of the river ouer against the nowe Mansion
house of mee the said Sr George Yeardley in Southampton hundred,
bordering West vpon a Creeke or lesser riuer, running into the great
river, and thence extendinge one hundred pole towardes the East, abut-
ting Northe vpon the said great river, and South vpon the maine lande,
fifty acres thereof in his owne p̱sonall͠ right, and the other hundred and
fiftie for hauing transported att his owne Chardge three servantes, namely,
Jeremy Whiniard, James Taylour, and Wm Broomeman. To haue and
to holde the said two hundred acres of lande wth the appurtenances, and
wth his due share of all mines, and minerall͠s therein Contained, and wth
all͠ priuiledges, of huntinge, haulkinge, fishing, fowling, and others, wthin
the precinctℯ and vpon the borders of the ∥same land for ye onely∥[236] and
próper vse, benefitt and behoofe of ∥him ye sd George∥ Harrison, his
heires and assignes for e∥uer, In as large and ∥ample manner to all intentℯ
and purp∥oses as is expressed in∥ the said great Charter, or by Conse-
quen∥ce may justly be collected∥ out of the same, or out of his Maties
ɫres p∥attents whereon it is∥ grounded. Yeilding and paying to the
said Tre∥asurer & Company∥ and to their * * * successours for
euer Y∥early at ye feast∥ of St. Michaell the Archangell, for euery fiftie
acres of his said dividend, the fee rent of one shillinge. Prouided the said
two hundred acres doe extende in a right line, alonge the banke of the
said River, not aboue one hundred pole, att sixteene foote and an halfe
the pole. In wittnes whereof I haue to these presentℯ sett my hande,
and the great seale of the Colony. Giuen att Southampton hundred the
sixt day of Marche, in the yeares of the raigne of or soueraigne Lord James
by the grace of god of England, Scotland, France and Irland king,
Defendour of the faith ect: vizt of England ect. the eighteenth, and of


Scotland the fower and feftieth, in the Yeare of or lord god one thowsand
sixe hundred and twenty and in the fowreteenth yeare of this plantation.

George Yeardl͠ey
Jo: Pory
[Indorsed:] George Harrisons patent for 200 acres of lande 6th March 1620

Bill, properly. The act, 21 Jac. I. c. 7, contained no mention of Virginia.