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[When, dear Lord, ah! tell us when]

When, dear Lord, ah! tell us when
Shall we be in knowledge men;
Men in strength and constancy,
Men of God, confirm'd in Thee?
Childish, now, alas! we are,
Void of faith and watchful care,
After all our teachers' pains,
Little good in us remains.


Soon our best desires decay,
As a cloud they pass away;
Light received the serious thought,
Soon and easily forgot.
O how fickle is our mind!
More inconstant than the wind;
Suddenly our goodness fails,
Levity again prevails.
Strong and fervent for an hour,
Then we cast away the power,
Lose insensibly our zeal,
Care for neither heaven nor hell.
Jesus, Lord, we cry to Thee,
Help our soul's infirmity;
Great unchangeable I AM,
Make us evermore the same.
Plant in us Thy constant mind,
To Thy cross our spirit bind;
That we may no longer rove,
Ground and 'stablish us in love.
Love, that makes us creatures new,
Only love can keep us true,
Perfect love that casts out sin,
Perfect love is God within.
God, within our hearts reside,
Then we shall in God abide;
Always firm and faithful prove,
Fix'd in everlasting love.