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[The Lord, He knows the thoughts of men]

The Lord, He knows the thoughts of men,
That they are foolish all and vain;
Till chasten'd by affliction's rod,
The sinners mourn, and turn to God.
O might His grace victorious prove,
And draw us with the cords of love
To seek Him in the dawn of day,
And gladly from our hearts obey.
Father, the kind instruction give,
And let us now begin to live,
To live the life of piety,
To live like creatures born for Thee.
Taught by the Spirit of Thy grace,
O may we rightly count our days,
To wisdom's rules our hearts apply,
And warm in life prepare to die.
And when our spirits we resign
Into those gracious hands of Thine,
Thy new-born children, Lord, receive,
With Thee eternally to live.