The whole Psalter translated into English Metre which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes |
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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||
The Argument.
The Leuites set: in nights to sing,To God so great: their Lord and king,
On steps in sight: some one by choyce,
Dyd thus excyte, all mens reioyce,
So met to bring:
Both sprite, and voyce.
15. Canticū Graduum.
Lo ye all here:Ye seruants deere:
And ye that stand:
Of God so grand:
Now prayse the Lord:
By Gods accord,
By night in house:
And glorious.
Draw neere: recorde
His hand, with vs.
Your handes lift hye:Gods sacrary:
The Lord proclaime:
Enhaunce the same:
In holynes,
Due laude expresse:
Blisse ye his deede,
In fayth and dread.
Apply no lesse,
His fame to spread.
The Lord of grace:Blisse he this place:
Who heauen did make:
For all our sake:
From Sion Hyll,
Your hart and will,
And earth I say,
Both nighte and day.
Embrace, him still,
Awake, and pray.
The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||