University of Virginia Library

XIII. Georgina Trevellyn to Louisa ---.

Dearest Louisa,—Inquire, if you please, about Mr. Claude ---.
He has been once at R., and remembers meeting the H.'s.
Harriet L., perhaps, may be able to tell you about him.
It is an awkward youth, but still with very good manners;
Not without prospects, we hear; and, George says, highly connected.
Georgy declares it absurd, but Mamma is alarmed, and insists he has
Taken up strange opinions, and may be turning a Papist.
Certainly once he spoke of a daily service he went to.
‘Where?’ we asked, and he laughed and answered, ‘At the Pantheon.’
This was a temple, you know, and now is a Catholic church; and


Though it is said that Mazzini has sold it for Protestant service,
Yet I suppose this change can hardly as yet be effected.
Adieu again,—evermore, my dearest, your loving Georgina.