University of Virginia Library




Welcome, wand'rer! old and poor,
Here to pass the night secure;
Cold the wind, and thick the rain,
Drive across the darksome plain;
Eastward has the raven fled
To the wood, his airy bed;
And the darkness-loving owl
From the rifted rock doth howl:
See, the rosy sun is set,
Feel, the night is cold and wet:
Walk in, stranger, to our cot,
And the ferry try thou not.
Hark! the waves tumultuous roar
'Gainst the stubborn, rocky shore:
Through the sable shroud of night
Not a star can give thee light,
Neither can the boatman's wherry
Ride so rudely rough a ferry.
Shouldst thou propose to take the tide,
In rage he'll from his door thee chide;
So stay, old stranger, for thy weal,
Thou'lt share our fire, our bed, our meal,
And, when the radiant sun doth rise,
To gild again the ample skies,
Refresh'd, thou'lt cheerful speed thy way,
Throughout the soon returning day.