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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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Enlarge thy Thoughts and thy Perceptions 'till
The so grand Scale on which all Things are here
Arranged, becomes familiar and clear!
'Till thou canst read in all thy Maker's Will,
Intelligibly in the Stars which fill
The Heavens and instruct thee to revere,
As in the Ten-Commandments, which are mere
Abbreviations of that Wisdom, still
As ever, graved in Characters of Light,
Vast, radiant, on this Temple's Walls so fair,
Flashing, from all Directions, on thy Sight;
Now traced with million Stars thro' all the Air,
And now resplendent on the Brow of Night,
With words of living Fire, running bright
'Round the vast Dome, such as revealëd were
To him alone who read their Meaning right,
Thro' Faith, whose sole Eye could their Radiance bear!


Feel grandly, then wilt thou live grandly! see
Not with the Body's but the Spirit's Eyes;
Be Spirit, then will all Things round thee rise
To spiritual Grandeur, then will be


Stamped with the Tokens of Immensity,
Not like Man's feeble works built up inchwise;
Then will no Church however vast its size
Suffice thy Soul: yet it is built for thee
Already, the true Temple, it is here,
But being too familiar, illknown,
And on too vast a Scale, 'till thy Thoughts bear
More due Proportion to it; when thine own
Perceptions shall be raised, thou wilt see clear
What now to sensual sight is dimly shown!


Live in it then! and feel that it is so!
Live worthy of it! think that always thou
Art in the Temple of the Lord, and how,
How sinful it must be to think or do
The least Illthing, or but of Ill to know,
Thus in his very Presence; think that now,
Nay, at all Moments, thy great Father's Brow
Is bent on thee, his Child, to watch thee! oh,
Give Ear unto the mighty Preacher, who
Unseen himself is seen in all Things here,
Whose Wisdom and whose Love, in Language true,
Each smallest Thing recounts, forgetful ne'er
Of him from whom its Being it first drew;
And if this Thought bring to thine Eye a Tear,
Oh! let it be a Drop of divine Dew
Sent to requicken what in thee was sere,
And all the Freshness of thy Heart renew!
Wipe it not from thine Eye, for thou mayst thro'
It see the world in its real Sense appear,
This sentiment alone is perfect Bliss,
For then thou feel'st, in thee and it, what is;
Thou seest it with God's Eyes, that is to say,
Not in its quick Successions of Decay,
But in its during Life, that is in His!

Alluding to Nebuchednezzar's Feast.