CLV. House of Lords. "An act [bill][234]
for the repressinge of the
odious ... sinne of Drunkenesse, and for preventinge the
onordinate Consuminge of Corne"
February 14, 1620/21
Document in Repository of the House of Lords
List of Records No. 230
An Act for the represeinge of the odious and loathsome sinne of Drunk-
enesse, and for preventinge the onordinate Consuminge of Corne.
That in the Session of Parliamt holden Anno 4 Ja: Rℯ an Act was made
against Drunkenesse and that notwthstandinge the same Act, Drunk-
enesse is little abated, but still continewed & greate quantities of Corne
are thereby inordinately Consumed.
1 Petition
That noe person directly or indirectly shall at any tyme after three
monethes after this Session of Parliamt brewe anie beere or ale, and sell
the same againe in his or her house, or elswheare by lesser quantity then
the halfe kilderkin, vnlesse it bee in Townes where there is noe Com̃on
Brewer, nor shall sell or deliver any beere or Ale to anie person or persons
that shall sell the same againe at anie other rate or price then viijs the
barrell for the best ale or beere, and iiijs the barrell for anie other sorte of
Ale or beere, and soe kilderkin and firkin &c̃ after the same rate, and that
all contractℯ, bondℯ, promisses and agreemtℯ made for any higher or greater
price or Recompence to bee void
The party contractinge or sellinge directly or indirectly for or vnder the
collour of Caske, Carriage or house Rent or otherwise for anie greater
price or recompence then after the rates aforesaid, shall forfeite xxs for
eu9y barrell of beere or ale soe sould or Contracted for above the foresaid
2 Petition
That noe Com̃on Brewer after the said three moneths shall receave or
take anie wheate corne or other thinge of anie person vsinge to sell beere
or ale by retayle, thereby to make any beere or ale stronger then the
ordinary Beere of viijs
Vpon the like paine of xxs
3 Petition
That noe Com̃on Brewer after three monethes of this Session directly
or indirectly keepe anie Alehouse or bee partner wth anie Alehouse-keeper,
nor lett or hire any Com̃on Alehouse Celler or Tiplinge house for any Rent
to bee raised vpon the bee barrell to bee spent therein.
To forfeite for eu9y weeke that hee shall soe vse and Continewe the same
iijll͠ vjs viijd
4 Petition
That the offences shalbee enquired of heard or §and§ determined in the
Sessions of the peace or in the Court of Record of the Citty borough
Towne or lib̴tie, where the offence shalbee Comitted.
One third of the forfeitures, to the Company of Virginia for the vse of the
plantac̃on, and if the Companie faile then to the vse of the Kingℯ Mai.ty
One other third parte to the poore of the parish.
One other third parte to the Informer.
5 Petition
6 Petition
7 Petition
That if the Sheriffe or other officer shall refuse to paie the two thirdℯ
of the forfeitures by them levied, or that the Churchwardens shall not
truly distribute their third part amongst the poore
The person offendinge to forfeite double the vallue thereof.
[2] An Act for repressinge the odious and loathsome sinne of Drunckenesse,
and for the restrainte of the excessiue Prices of Beere and Ale.
Whereas in the Session of Parliament houlden in the fowrth yeare of the
Raigne of or Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of God King of England
ffraunce, and Ireland, Defendor of the faith &c̃. and of his Highnes Raigne
of Scotland the fourtieth. An Act was made for the repressinge of the
odious and loathsome sinne of Drunckenesse being the roote and foundac̃on
of many other enormous sinnes, as bloudshed, stabbinge, murther, swear-
inge, fornicac̃on, adultery, and such like, to the great Dishonor of God,
and of our Nation, the overthrow of many good Arts, and Manuall Trades,
the disabling of many Workemen, and the generall impoverishinge of many
good subiectℯ abusiuely wasting the good Creatures of God. And where
notwithstandinge the same Acte, that sinne of Drunckenesse is little
abated but still continued, and an excessiue quantity of Corne thereby
inordinately consumed: And the Drincke being made of that strength
causes the said abuse and excesse, to Continue and encrease: ffor Remedy
whe and Redresse whereof, Be it Enacted, ordeyned, and established by
the Kingℯ most excellent Matie the [3] Lords Spirituall, and Temporall,
and the Com̃ons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority
of the same, That noe person or p̱sons by him or her selfe, or by any
other waies or meanes Directly or indirectly shall at any time after three
monethes after the end of this Session of Parliament, Brewe any Beere
or Ale and sell the same, in his, her, or their house or houses, or elswhere
by lesser quantities then the halfe Kilderkin, vnles it be in Villages, or
Townes where their is noe Com̃on Brewer, Nor shall sell, vtter, or deliuer
or cause to be sould, vttered, or deliu
9ed any Beere or Ale to any person
or persons that shall vse to sell any Beere or Ale, as an Inkeeper, Alehouse-
keep̱, Cooke, Victualler, or Tipler, or to any other person or p̱sons that
shall sell the same againe at any other Rate, or Prices then eight shillings
the Barrell for the best Ale or Beere, and fower shillings a Barrell for any
other sort of Ale or Beere, and soe the halfe Barrell, Kilderkin, and ffirkin
after the same Rate, And that all Contracts, Bargaines, Bonds, Cove-
naunts, Promises and Agreements Directly or indirectly made for any
higher or [
4] greater Price or Recompence to be made or yealded or
any other thing Leiue of the Price shalbe voide and of none effect.
And that the parties selling, Contracting, or agreeing directly or indirectly
either for or vnder the collour of Caske, Carriage, Houserent, or
otherwise, for any higher or greater Price or recompence for any
Beere or Ale, then after the rates aforesaid, shall forfeite for every
Barrell of beere or ale sould or contracted for, contrary to the true intent
and meaning of this Act, twenty shillings: And that noe com̃on Brewer
of beere or ale shall after the said three monethes directly or indirectly
receaue, haue, or take any Mault, Wheat, Corne, Graine, Hoppes, or any
other thinge of any Inkeeper, Alehousekeeper, Cooke, Victualler, Tipler,
or any other person vsinge to sell beere or ale, to make ale or beere stronger,
or more headdy then then ordinary beere of eight shillings, allowed to be
made by this Acte, vppon the like paine to forfeite the sum̃e of twenty
shillings of lawfull money of England. And bee it further enacted by
the authority aforesaid [
5] That noe Com̃on Brewer of beere or ale shall
after three monethes next after the end of this Session of Parliament, by
any Collour, waies, or meanes whatsoever, directly or indirectly, haue, or
keepe, by himselfe, or his servaunts, or by any other w
ch shalbe accountable
to him for the same, any Com̃on alehouse, or tiplinghouse, or be any
Partener w
th any §com̃on§ Alehousekeeper, or Tipler in the selling and
retailing of ale or beere in any Com̃on alehouse, Celler, or tiplinghouse,
nor shall lett or hire out any Com̃on alehouse, Celler, or tiplinghouse, for
any rent to be raised, according to the number of the barrells, or other
vessells to be drawne or spent therein, vpon Paine to forfeite for every
weeke he shall soe vse or continue the same, the som̃e of iij
ɫi vj
s viij
d of
lawfull money of England. And be it further enacted by the authority
aforesaid, That all offences to be done or Com̃itted, contrary to the mean-
ing of the acte, and all penalties aforesaid, shalbe inquired of, sued for,
heard, and determined in the Sessions of the peace, for the County, Citty,
or Burrough, Towne or Lib̴tie in the Court or Courts [
6] of Record, of the
Cittie, Burrough, Towne, or Lib̴tie wherein such offence shalbe Com̃itted,
by acc̃ons of Debt, informac̃on; inditem
t: §or§ p̢sentm
t wherein noe
essoigne, p̱tecc̃on, or wager of Lawe shalbe allowed for the Defend
t. And
one third part of all such forfeitures shalbe to the vse of the Governo
r of
the Company for the Plantac̃on in Virginia, to be employed for the vse
of the Plantac̃on there soe long as the same Company shall continue: And
if the Company shall §fal faile§ Then to the vse of the Kings Ma
tie his
heires and Successo
rs, and one other third part thereof to the vse of the
poore people inhabiting w
thin the Citty, Burrough, Hundred, Towne or
Lib̴tie where such offence shalbe from time to time Comitted: And the
other third part thereof, to him or them that will sue for the same.
And to th'end that the two third parts of the said forfeitures aboue
limitted, to be to the vse of the Plantac̃on of Virginia, and to the said
poore people, may truly be §truelie§ employed and bestowed vpon them
according to the true meaning of this Act. Be it further enacted that
the Sheriffe, Bailiffe, or other officer or p̱son that shall levy or receiue
any [
7] sum̃e or sum̃es of money forfeited or recou
9ed according to the
true meaning of this act, shall and may by vertue of this act w
further Warrant deliu
9 one third p̱te of the same sum̃e and sum̃es of
money, by him or them soe levied or receiued to the Governo
rs of the said
Company, for the Plantac̃on in Virginia for the time being, and th'other
third p̱te thereof to some one or more of the Church Wardens, and over-
seers of the poore for the same p̱ish wherein the offence shalbe Comit-
ted, to be by them and every of them distributed and bestowed
amongst the said poore people according to the true meaning of this Act,
who shall likewise haue authority, by vertue of this Act to distribute and
bestowe the same accordingly. And be it further enacted that eu
Sheriffe Bailiffe, and other p̱son w
ch shall levy or receiue any such for-
feiture or forfeitures aforesaid, and shall passe over the two third p̱tes
thereof, according to the true meaning of this Act, shalbe thereof dis-
charged against ag the Kings Ma
tie: his heires and Successors. And
be it further enacted, That if any Sheriffe, Bailiffe, or [
8] other officer or
p̱son, shall refuse to pay over the said two third p̱ts by him or them
levied or received, or that the Churchwardens or overseers to whome
the said money shalbe paied, shall not from time to time w
thin Con-
venient time truly distribute and bestowe the same to & amongst the
poore people according to the true meaning of this Act, That then
9y p̱son soe offending shall forfeite double the vallue thereof, to be
9ed and employed as aforesaid.
[Indorsed on folio 1:] An Acte for restrainte of Drunckennesse &c̃
[Indorsed on folio 8:] 122 1620. An Acte for restrainte of Drunckennesse
&c̃ L1a Mercurii 14° ffebr: 18° Jac̃ 1 L2a Mercurii 28° ffebr: 18° Jac̃ 1.
Vppō Ques̃n of Cōttmt & Engrosing—refused & obdormit.