University of Virginia Library



[Holy Child, of heavenly birth]

Holy Child, of heavenly birth,
God made manifest on earth,
Fain I would Thy follower be,
Live in everything like Thee.
Thou, whom angels serve and fear,
Subject to Thy parents here,
Didst to me the pattern give,
How with mine I ought to live.
Teach me then betimes to' obey
Those who under God bear sway;
Masters, ministers to love,
All their just commands approve.
Let me to my betters bend,
Never wilfully offend,
By my meek submissiveness
Strive both God and them to please.
Thy humility impart,
Give me Thy obedient heart;
Free and cheerful to fulfil
All my heavenly Father's will.
Keep me thus to God resign'd,
Till His love delights to find
Fairly copied out on me
All the mind which was in Thee.