University of Virginia Library


[But we, by divers ways]

But we, by divers ways,
May fall from Jesu's grace,
Let Him every moment go,
Lose our treasure and reward:
Watch we then against our foe,
Stand for ever on our guard.
With reverential joy
Let us our time employ;


Joy at Jesu's hands receive,
Temper'd with a serious fear,
Humbly, circumspectly live,
Sin, the world, and hell so near.
Dangers and snares abound,
And ever close us round;
Numberless malicious powers
Fight against us night and day;
Satan as a lion roars,
Watching to devour his prey.
But our almighty Lord
Shall still His help afford,
Arm us with His patient mind,
Till we see our conflicts past;
Perfect joy and safety find,
More than conquerors at last.