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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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510. Parable 6. Of the goodly Pearl. Matt. xiii.


Is there, immured in sea or earth,
One precious pearl, of boundless worth,
Greater than man hath bought or sold,
The pearl, of value yet untold?


My heart replies, “That pearl be mine;
“Let others seek to rule, and shine,
“I covet not the monarch's throne,
“If I can call that pearl my own!”


The merchant bears both heat and blast
To find the goodly pearl, at last;
And now, with gladness in his eyes,
He sells his all, to grasp the prize!


Shall merchants, at a sight so low,
Feel, with delight, their hearts o'erflow,
And we, who richer pearl possess,
Feel humbler joy, and transport less?


We will not shrink from care or pain,
With God to dwell, with Christ to reign!
Can any thing, too great, be given,
To gain our Crown, secure our Heaven?


For such a pearl, shall we withhold
Whatever yet was bought with gold?


Pleasures, that ill deserve the name,
Material treasure?—creature fame?


If, gracious Saviour! ere we die,
Thou give thyself, and dross deny,
With such a pearl, such hopes divine,
All other pearls we may resign!