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Denzil place

a story in verse. By Violet Fane [i.e. M. M. Lamb]

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Roland L'Estrange had written to her twice—
At first, a school-boy letter, full of tales
Of work and holiday, yet such good will


Was shown in every simple blotted line,
That Constance knew Sir John had kept his word,
And had not tried to influence his son
Against his erring wife.
“My father's hand
“Is crippled with the gout, he begs me say”
The letter ran,) “or he would write himself.”
From gratitude, Constance had rashly sent
When next she wrote, a timid message back,
Hoping the crippled hand was nearly well—
Whereat another letter from the boy
Had plainly ask'd of Constance to return.