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“My soul gaspeth for Thee, as a thirsty land.”

Lord, how long, how long shall I
Lift my weary eyes in pain?
Seek, but never find Thee nigh;
Ask Thy love, but ask in vain?
Crush'd beneath my nature's load,
Darkly feeling after God!
O, disclose Thy lovely face,
Quicken all my drooping powers!
Gasps my fainting soul for grace,
As a thirsty land for showers:
Haste, my Lord, no longer stay;
Come, my Jesus, come away!
Well Thou know'st I cannot rest,
Till I fully rest in Thee,
Till I am of Thee possess'd,
Till from every sin set free,
All the life of faith I prove,
All the joy and heaven of love.
See my sad inconstant state;
Give me, Lord, this root within:
Trembling for Thy love I wait,
Still relapsing into sin;
Falling, till Thy love I feel,
Ever sinking into hell.
With me, O, continue, Lord!
Keep me, or from Thee I fly:
Strength and comfort from Thy Word
Imperceptibly supply;


Hold me till I apprehend,
Make me faithful to the end.