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Truth in Fiction

Or, Morality in Masquerade. A Collection of Two hundred twenty five Select Fables of Aesop, and other Authors. Done into English Verse. By Edmund Arwaker

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FABLE XXIV. The Lion and Horse:

Or, The Dissembler Out-done.

A hungry Lion wou'd a Horse devour,
But Age had weaken'd, and restrain'd his Pow'r:
The Politician, since his Strength did fail,
By Stratagem endeavour'd to prevail:
Himself an eminent Physician feign'd,
And with long Cant his Hearers entertain'd.
The Horse, of his Design suspicious grows,
Do's Art to Art, and Fraud to Fraud, oppose;


Pretends, a Thorn had lately prick'd his Hoof,
And of the Doctor's Skill desires a Proof:
Who soon consents, but soon his Error feels,
He found the Horse too well cou'd use his Heels:
With them he struck the Lion almost dead;
With them, from his pursuing Vengeance fled.
Rewarded thus, his ill Success he mourn'd,
But own'd, his Falshood justly was return'd.


‘Dissemblers often desp'rate Hazards run,
‘By those they sham, in their own Arts out-done:
‘While they for others secret Traps prepare,
‘They fall into an undiscover'd Snare.
‘'Tis just, Delusion shou'd that Service pay,
‘Which, by Delusion, others wou'd betray.