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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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De anima tres sunt opiniones, vt infra.

now is to wit in qvat plas
his saule hade principal wonyng,
ffor in thre stides soȝt hit was
In hert & hede & blode rennyng.
first þat þe saule shuld haue his se
in monnus hert principaly,
that preues this autorite,
Goddes word of þe euangely:—

De corde exeunt cogitaciones.

God sais þat thoȝtes ay ben boun
out of þe hert to be comyng,
þerfore bi sum opinioun
ther shuld þe saule haue his wonyng.
or in þe blode hit may wel be,
As wel witnes holi writ
that monnus & bestes soule has se
In þe blode & þer is hitt.

Vnde habetur in Leuitico: Anima omnis carnis in sanguine est.

or ellis in the hede it is
bi force of this autorite,
for quen Crist deȝet, ȝe knowen þis,
boȝyng his hede þe gost ȝeld he.

Et inclinato capite emisit spiritum.

but forto preue bi gode assay
And dede qver þat his soule miȝt be.
the Iewes soȝten as this day
his saule in alle þes places thre,


ffor in þe hede with al hor mayn
thai soȝt his saule, as was wel sene,
with croun of thornus to þe brayn,
to loke þer-in ȝif hit had bene.
In blode þai soȝten hit also
quen thai openet his vaynus wide,
In fete & honde both two
with nailes sharp on ich side.
In hert þai soȝten with gret wo
when þai percet hit with a sper
so that out nedelyngis hit most go,
thay soȝten hit so wide qver.
And for thes ilk despites thre
that Crist hade imong oþer wo,
on Gode Friday syngen we
thre honourynges aȝaynes tho;
Agyos with deuocioun
thrye knelyng deuoutly,
for thrie for our saluacioun
scornet he was dispitously.