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The Works of Thomas Campion

Complete Songs, Masques, and Treatises with a Selection of the Latin Verse: Edited with an introduction and notes by Walter R. Davis

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A Song of a treble and base,

sung by the Gardiners boy and man, to musicke of Instruments, that was readie to second them in the Arbour.


Welcome to this flowrie place,
Faire Goddesse and sole Queene of grace:
All eyes triumph in your sight,
Which through all this emptie space
Casts such glorious beames of light.


Paradise were meeter farre
To entertaine so bright a Starre:
But why erres my folly so?
Paradise is where you are:
Heav'n above, and heav'n below.


Could our powers and wishes meete,
How well would they your graces greete.
Yet accept of our desire:
Roses, of all flowers most sweete,
Spring out of the silly brier.