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The Poetical Works of William Drummond of Hawthornden

With "A Cypresse Grove": Edited by L. E. Kastner

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[xli] Armelins Epitaph.
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[xli] Armelins Epitaph.

Neare to this Eglantine
Enclosed lies the milke-white Armeline:
Once Chloris onlie Ioye,
Now onlie her annoy;
Who enuied was of the most happie Swaines,
That keepe their Flocks in Mountaines, Dales, or Plaines:
For oft shee bare the wanton in her Arme,
And oft her Bed, and Bosome did he warme:
Now when vnkindlie Fates did him destroy,
Blest Dog he had the Grace,
With Teares for him that Chloris wet her Face.