Poems, and phancies written By the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, And Excellent Princess The Lady Marchioness of Newcastle [i.e. Margaret Cavendish]. The Second Impression, much Altered and Corrected |
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A Description of an Island.
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A Description of an Island.
There was an Island Rich by Nature's Grace,In all the World it was the Sweetest place,
Surrounded with the Seas, whose VVaves not miss'd
To do her Homage, and her Feet they Kiss'd;
Each Wave did seem by turn to Bow down low,
And proud to Touch her, when as they did Flow;
Armies of VVaves in Troops high Tides brought on,
Whose wat'ry Arms did Glister as the Sun,
And on their Backs burthens of Ships did bear,
Placing them in her Havens with great Care,
Not Mercenary, for no Pay they'ld have,
But as her Guard did Watch, to keep her Safe,
And in a Ring they Circled her about,
Strong as a Wall, to keep her Foes without;
Blowing their Trumpets loud on every side,
Serving as Scouts, they Search'd in every Lane,
And Gallop'd in the Forests, Fields and Plain;
While she did please the Gods, she did Live safe,
And they all kind of Pleasures to her gave;
For all this Place was Fertile, Rich and Fair,
Both Woods, and Hills, and Dales in Prospects were;
Birds pleasure took, and with delight did Sing,
In Praises of this Isle the VVoods did Ring;
Trees thriv'd with Joy, for she their Roots well fed,
And Tall with Pride, their Tops did Over-spread;
Danc'd with the Winds, when they did Sing and Blow,
Play'd like a wanton Kid, or a swift Roe;
Their several Branches several Birds did bear,
Which Hop'd and Skip'd, and always Merry were;
Their Leaves did Wave, and Rushing make a Noise,
And many ways striv'd to express their Joys;
All Flowers there look'd fresh, and gay with Mirth,
Whilst they were Danc'd upon the Lap of Earth;
Th'Isle was their Mother, they her Children sweet,
Born from her Loins, got by Apollo great,
Who Dress'd and Prun'd them often with great Care,
And wash'd their Leaves with Dew to make them Fair;
Which being done, he wip'd those Drops away
With Webs of Heat , which he Weaves every Day;
Paint them with several Colours Intermixt,
Veil'd them with Shadows every Leaf betwixt;
Their Heads he Dress'd, their Hairy Leaves spread out,
Wreath'd round their Crowns his Golden Beams about:
Of all his Wives he had he Lov'd her best;
Daily he did present her with some Gift,
Twelve Ells of Light to make her Smocks for Shift;
Which every time he came, he put on Fair,
That Lovely she and Handsome might appear,
And when he from her went, the World to see,
He left his Sister her for Company,
Whose name is Cynthia, though Pale yet Clear,
Which makes her always in Dark Clouds appear;
Besides, he left his Stars to wait on her,
Lest she should Grieve too much, when he's not there,
And from his bounty Cloath'd them all with Light,
Which makes them Twinkle in a frosty Night;
He never brought Hot beams to do her harm,
Nor let her take a Cold, but Lap'd her warm;
He Mantles Rich of equal Heat o'respread,
And cover'd her with Colour Crimson Red;
He gave another o're her Head to lye,
The Colour is a pure bright Azure Sky;
And with soft Air did Line them all within,
Like Furs in Winter, in Summer Satin thin;
With Silver Clouds he Fringed them about,
And Spangled Meteors Glist'ring hung without:
Thus gave he Change, lest she should weary grow,
Or think them Old, and so away them throw.
Nature adorn'd this Island all throughout
With Landskips, Riv'lets, Prospects round about;
Hills over-top'd the Dales, which Level were,
And cover'd all with Cattel, Feeding there;
Where Beasts that Chew their Cud lay Pleasantly,
Whisking their Tails about, the Flies to beat,
Or else to Cool them from the Sultry heat;
Nature, her Love to th'Gods willing to show,
Sent Plenty in, like Nile's great Overflow,
And temperate Seasons gave, and equal Lights,
Warm Sun-shine Days, and Dewy Moon-shine Nights;
And in this pleasant Island Peace did dwell,
No noise of VVarr, or sad Tale could it tell.
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