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Under Constantine Pogonate beginning 670

Pogonate with his brethren two arose
Who equalld him. Hence he Cut off their nose
And Empires it alone, the Churches shine
He them did from Monothelites refine.


Things ill do jog in France, Lothair their King
Lurks in Domestick luxury: doth fling
All matters on the Prince in Court Ebroine,
A Spunge of Blood, di'de ore with basest Crime.
Who under Theodorick next King there
Did rule the roast, by whom oppressed were
Each vertuous man, afflict the Churches; spoiles
The Temples, slays some Doctors, some exiles.
Leodigar August Odanum's light
He Prisons, Pines, Plucks out his Eyes, doth smite
With Wounds upon the sole of's feet; off fley
His Lips, and Tongue, then him with sword did slay.
Gerinus then he stones to death; and sent
Lambert, Amate, and more, to banishment.
In England hard things bud: the Scots, and Picts
And Britains will not on Romes Easter fix.
They out do rush, kill Oswies Son Egfride:
And by greate slaughter th'Angli they destroy'd.
And now their Churches were in troubles greate.
Among the Gevesi, Cedwald, in heate
Returnd from Exile, killd their King whose name
Was Evildack. And all this Contrey baine,
There's not a bishop in't for many years.
Then all the Isle of Vecta, wholy clears.
Yet lets some noble youths and others, ('cause
They know not Christ), before his sword he draws,
To cut them down, babtized be, if they
Desired the same: as histories do say.